About a year ago my wife Heather bought massages for both of us as an anniversary gift from New Day Professional Massage, Acupuncture and Skin Care in Elmira, New York. Things have been so hectic that we haven’t had the chance to go until today. We had the couple’s massage, which went for 60 minutes, and all I can say is how did I ever wait so long to have one of these? I have had professional friends give me an impromptu quickie before (not on the table or anything like that) but this was unreal! Karen worked on me, and Trent gave Heather her massage. Karen hit a couple points on my body that felt as if she was driving a steel rod right through me.
When my photographer friends and I travel to a seminar or workshop there is usually an event that stands out as WOW. That event alone was worth the price of admission; everything else is like a bonus or icing on the cake. Karen hit that spot or event in my back and I would have been happy with that. Then she hit another spot on the outside of my calf that was even better. So I have to say that there were at least two events that made it worth the price, and a lot of icing.
All I can say is do yourself a favor and get one soon! Now that I had my first one, I can’t wait for my second one. I told her I would have to set up an appointment the day after a wedding so she can see what my body goes through and hook a brother up.